Fernanda Martins @ Around Bellas Artes

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On August 26th, Brazilian Techno DJ Fernanda Martins has performed an amazing set for a very selected audience that had the chance to enjoy - and to be protagonist - a unique and unrepeatable event at of one of the most beautiful buildings in Latin America, the famous ¨Bellas Artes¨ Museum of Chile.

The Chileans were delighted to hear the Brazilian icon, which is known by her amazing mix technique, great music selection and unmistakable way to connect with the crowd, and in witness of the incredible production prepared for the event.

The event was held by Around, a project born in Chile that has as its main goal to provide a very different experience to artists and audience, by bringing electronic music sessions to the most atypical, emblematic and iconic locations in Latin America. ¨Around - Bellas Artes¨ was the fourth event realized by the organizers and it was a major success!

¨For the Around's team the realization, for the first time in the history here in South America, of an electronic music session at a national museum of fine arts is a milestone! We were very happy that Fernanda Martins accepted our invitation. We know that this video set will set a musical precedent for all the fans of Around and all the public that enjoys electronic music in our country.¨
David Robles and Francisco Ibarra, executive producers of Around

The Around crew's idea is much more than a beautiful experience to the event assistants, but also, to upgrade the cultural impact related to the electronic music scene all over Central and South America, and promote artists and specific locations; through a very clean and careful production, that counts with art & lighting direction according to each location. A very well cared high definition multi camera register is made every each event by the hands of Dj Profile TV crew.

¨We are very happy to be a close partner of Around and participate in this project. And of have had a chance to of capture in media all the experience and the vibe of that epic night. This definitely push the boundaries of what we want and what we can do as a video production company.¨
José Russo - Founder DJPROFILE.TV

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