DJ Mag Japan Special Interview:Fatima Hajji

Q1. Please briefly explain how you grew up and got involved in the dance music scene.

My brothers used to listen k7s with sets mixed by the DJs who played at the end of the 90s in Spain, mostly smashing and pounding Techno, I soon got trapped and one day, when I was 16 years old, I saw a place where vinyl was being sold and on the door was an advert saying: DJ lessons. I signed up without telling anyone and in few weeks I learnt how to mix, then I went to a local DJ contest and I won it, after this I started to play in clubs in my city, then in the nearest... expanding the circle bit a bit... till today.

Q2. Please talk to us about your latest release and the inspiration behind it.

The latest is Melodream on my label Silver M, one morning I woke up with a melody in my head and I ran to my studio (next door) and was able to recreate it, the rest came really fast. I also created another 2 tracks for the EP: ‘Hammer’ and ‘Star’ with a deeper, dark and stomping sound and the best thing was to also include two amazing remixes by Drunken Kong and Rudosa, producers that I love so much.

Q3. Can you pick 1 or 2 must plays in your recent sets and why?

I’ve been playing my track ‘Mola’ (Unity Records) a lot, it’s so energetic and I’m really satisfied with the final result. Also, to have it signed to Unity Records is great, I love this label :-).

Furthermore, I also play Rudosa’s remix of my track ‘Hammer’ more than my original :D

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